Rising Tide – 2019 Week 20

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

1. This virtual archaeology museum lets you explore underwater shipwrecks from the 19th and 20th centuries via video and 3D models. (It’s very responsive, so click and scroll slowly.)

2. Do you know what it’s like to listen to your neighbors fight? I do. So does Maris Kreizman.

I still wish to show more compassion for the people who live near me, even if our location is the only thing we have in common. Sometimes the people around you are the only ones that matter.

– Maris Kreizman (@mariskreizman)

3. NPR just announced this year’s Tiny Desk winner, Quinn Christopherson. He has a cool story… but watch the video below first!

4. May Erlewine, one of my favorite musicians, is making another album!

5. And here is some other music I’ve been enjoying this week:

Well, I think that’s it for this week! Until next time…