Inspired by Austin Kleon’s 100 Things That Made My Year, here is my annual wrap up, the top 100 highlights of 2024:
100 Sheets

I just opened a new pack of coffee filters for my nearly daily pour overs. With a Hario V60, filters come 100 sheets in a pack. Something about a stack of clean white filters inspired me to start this coffee log. Life is too short to drink bad coffee, so here’s to making every cup […]
100 Things That Made My Year – 2023

Inspired by Austin Kleon’s 100 Things That Made My Year, here is my annual wrap up, highlights of 2023:
More Family Recipes

Not much has changed in the last two years since I wrote Family Recipes. I am 37, I still haven’t run a marathon, and I have kept writing things down. But also everything has changed since I wrote that. My grandma has since passed away. Last week Friday, my grandma passed away. She passed away. […]
Sister ship

Straight up the alley Old door, make a left. Electrical pole holds the power of religious conversion, musical marketing, lost pet finding. Left on Bridge. Homework crumpled, flat plastic bottles, each all halfway done, whole. What about the resin project? He might be late for work. Another left. But it is not bulk pick up. […]
The Masshole (#1)

Yesterday I walked around the block.Today marks one month post op.That is progress. It’s been quite the whirlwind, and I’m still processing everything, but here’s the short of it: I had been experiencing upper abdominal discomfort for quite a while. Eventually, I gave up on the self-diagnosing and scheduled an appointment with a primary care […]
Why Do Cicadas Sing?

During a camping trip to Mammoth Caves last summer, Sarah and I were snuggled up in our sleeping bags laying in our tent one night. The sounds of the cicadas buzzing inspired musing about how amazing nature is. A sucker for poetic devices, I eventually paired cicadas with singing. The phrase “Why do cicadas sing?” […]
My Clean Mug

I washed my mug yesterday. Like, really washed it. With a scrubby. And soap, even. Some may be wondering why I am about to make a big deal about such a routine task. Others may already know about my dirty mug and are appalled that I would do such a thing. That mug wasn’t actually […]
That little hole on the Rocky

I have never not caught a fish in that little hole on the Rocky. The spot is not even a secret. I will tell anyone exactly where it is.At first glance, it is a less than ideal place to fish. I have to stand about five feet above the water in some brush filled high […]
The Giving Type

Papa has always been the giving type. He is the most generous man I have ever known. I know that sentiment is shared by most people who know him. For nearly 30 years, he took our whole family to Sunday morning breakfasts at the local diner. We regularly made up as much as a 15-top. […]