Rising Tide – 2021 September

Welcome to another edition of Rising Tide, a digest of things worth sharing! Enjoy this month’s list of books, blog posts, quotes, music, and more! To read 1. It seems quite appropriate to start of this month’s collection this quote, which is a nod to part of the reason why I do this whole blog […]

Get Bored on Purpose

Put your phone away. Get bored on purpose.Eliminate distractions.Be a conscious observer.Take in the world as it is. Bring back the Huh.Resurrect the Why. Think thoughts.Sit alone with them.Then think thoughts about those thoughts.And repeat.Forever.Never stop. There are a lot of places to turn to for inspiration about how to enjoy solitude, what to do […]

Write something.

Write something. Then improve it. Then write something else. Repeat this process until you have a post. Then post it. Then repeat this process. There’s no such thing as writer’s block. There’s simply a fear of bad writing. Do enough bad writing and some good writing is bound to show up. And along the way, […]