Light on or off

On. Off. On off on off Onoffonoffonoff… Light on.Visible, naked.Apparent imperfections.Blinded by the light. Light off.Bare, alone.Fear of the unknown.Stumble through the darkness. Or… Light on.Bright, airy.Clearly seen.Sunshine and warmth. Light off.Restful sleep.Night sky, moon, and stars. On. Or off. On or off or on or off Onorofforonorofforonoroffor…

Drop the Deepfake

What is deepfake? Did you happen to see the viral video of Nancy Pelosi talking slowly and slurring her words? This is a deepfake. Deepfake is the modification of photos, videos and/or audio into realistic and believable adulterated copies. Here’s a better explanation. Other examples include fake celebrity porn or a recent artists’ statement using […]


As of Wednesday, June 12, 2019, Kirbucci, LLC is a bonafide business! The Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service issued me an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and everything! So what is Kirbucci, LLC? I’m not quite sure! I have been thing about dabbling in other areas of interest, personally and professionally. While the What is […]

Start with Happy

Do things that starts with “Happy.” Blissfest is an annual folk and roots music festival that takes place in northern Michigan. It’s a long weekend filled with live music, food and drink, arts, and more. Almost all “Blissters” will agree that it is the event they look forward to most every year. As soon as […]

All the world’s a stage

and all the men and women merely players. Some are the greatest players of our lifetime. Some are the greatest players the world has ever known. This time of year is unique in that all different types of elite sports converge and overlap their seasons in the early to late spring. To name the most […]

“Things I Will Always Say Yes To” List

As inspired by Kelly Corrigan’s book, Tell me More, here’s my “Things I Will Always Say Yes To” List. Mine is in alphabetical order because prioritizing any other way would require constant maintenance: adventure the beach bicycles coffee free first class upgrade guacamole, even if it costs extra hugs laughing making lists nostalgia the outdoors […]

Done rhymes with begun

I am done.I am done with the diet roulette.I am done with these 20 extra pounds.I am done with “my 30s are hitting me hard!”I am done with this dusty old bucket list item.I am done with just wishing and not actually doing.I am done. But “done” rhymes with “begun.” And 13.1. Saturday, September 28th, […]