Rising Tide – 2019 Week 26

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

This is the year’s half way mark!

1. Music, creativity, and squiggly lines…

Creativity is inside of us all. It’s that place of inner peace and stillness that’s there, and it’s accessible to us.

Matt Myers

Matt Myers is the guitarist and singer of the popular indie band, Houndmouth! Check out the playlist below for a few tunes.

2. Women Who Draw is an impressive directory of women illustrators that an be filtered by race, location, LGBTQ+, religion, etc.

3. In recently reconnecting with some long lost high school friends, I wrote a reflection.

4. How apropos: I went on my first camping trip of the year to Findley State Park AND finished reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau ★★★★.

Nature is a perfectly acceptable and often the most correct answer to a lot of questions.

– Me

5. Here is this week’s playlist:

That’s it for this week! Until next time…