Rising Tide – 2019 Week 31

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!


1. 49 Scenic Drive is by far one of the most interesting and lovable pieces of content I have stumbled upon in quite some time.

If you remember, last week’s Rising Tide Week 30 included mention of the Tales of the City books and the Netflix show series. I see a San Francisco theme developing…

Turn the Page

2. The search for a daily unbiased news source continues. I came across this list of daily newsletters. Do you have any other recommendations? Send ’em my way!

Take to heart

3. Belief is Complicated.

If we only meet each other with ‘my facts versus your facts,’ we don’t have a human place to begin.”

Krista Tippett

You’ll want to watch this twice: once for Krista Tippett’s audio, once for Andrew Khosravani‘s animations.

Rabbit holes:

Listen up

4. I’ve been curating a jazz playlist for the last couple of months. Although it is still and will likely forever be in the works, it is finally established enough to share:

Feel free to recommend any additions!

5. My brother recently introduced me to Rhythms Del Mundo. What would you think about Clocks by Coldplay with a Cuban twist? Or an African tribal Timshel by Mumford and Sons? This afro-latin music collective creates some unique renditions of a wide variety of classics and modern hits. Very fun!

6. And, last but never least, here is this week’s playlist:

That’s it for this week! Until next time…