Rising Tide – 2019 Week 32

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

Top Ten!

1. Smokey Bear turned 75 this week! He’s the longest running public service ad. Here’s the interesting story of how he has changed over the years.

2. Nobel Prize winning author, Toni Morrison, passed away this week at 88. Below are some select pieces that share her legacy:

3. An Instagram story I follow recently asked for Bible verses that are relatable to all denominations and non believers alike. This has always been one of my favorites:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

4. I recently had my six month check in my with my financial planners. They asked me to create a reverse bucket list. I’m definitely a list fan, so this was an exciting challenge. I wrote down five personal things and five professional things. I encourage you to try. What’s on your list? Message me, or comment below!

5. Seth Godin recently wrote about streaks. 11 years of a daily writing! Woah! Is that… crazy? amazing? impressive? possible? Yes…

I’m going to start making a habit of writing more. A sentence, a paragraph, and entire blog post…whatever it is. Sometimes it will be on here, but I think I may try to incorporate Tumblr more for the raw words not yet composed into anything “formal.”

6. Sarah and I just celebrated four years! We enjoy reflecting on love with an e.e. cummings poem. You can see the poem in the second photo below or find the text here.

7. An acupressure mat. Have you heard of it? I was just recently introduced to the concept, read all the rave reviews, and immediately bought one, all within about an hour. Unashamed… they got me hook, line, and sinker!

It is rare that I plug products on here, but we tried this a couple of times before bed and cannot say enough good things! Meditative, pain relieving, relaxing…

There are a lot of posts on the internet that I encourage you to read to familiarize yourself. If you dive in like I did, try the mat without the pillow. Don’t wear a shirt, put the mat on your bed, turn on some mellow music, turn off the lights, close your eyes, and lay there for ten minutes. Give it a try for a couple of days, and let it evolve from there. I’m curious to know what you think!

By the way, are you using smile.amazon.com? You know the saying, “every little bit counts!” Purchases you make on Amazon throw some spare change to an organization of your choice. Mine support Bike Cleveland, but you can pick your own! Here are some more details.

8. I am taking a Udemy Microsoft Projects course right now, and I love it! While it is mostly for work, I definitely see it being a beneficial tool in many areas. I am always looking for project management tools, note taking skills, etc, both personal and professional, so this has been a welcome addition.

9. National Book Lovers Day was this week! Right now, I’m reading The Passage by Justin Cronin for our family book club. Also, a friend recently planted the seed to bring out Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown. I’ve had the book since it came out but just haven’t read it yet.

What are you reading right now? Comment below, or join me on Goodreads.

10. And, last but never least, here is this week’s playlist:

That’s it for this week! Until next time…