Rising Tide – 2019 Week 33

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

Hunt Slonem, Finches Red

1. People and their pets is always an interesting topic, even more so when the people are artists. This shows the connection between pet ownership and the depictions of animals in art.

Rabbit hole: There are a few interesting book recommendations in the above article that I plan to check out of the library.

2. As a natural born navigator and lover of the outdoors, I full embrace The Endangered Art of Getting Lost.

I’m not advocating for plunging into an unknown landscape unprepared as some kind of game… But for outdoor travelers, being prepared and testing skills of navigation rather than always depending on computers can be beneficial.

3. Here’s a short but insightful and thought provoking read on the art of possibility.

Every day we face a choice. We can retreat into scarcity or radiate possibility. We can cling to selfishness or cultivate generosity.

Nathan Hamm

4. Merrell currently has a Trails by Design contest going on. Check out the artists’ designs to learn more about their stories and vote! A few of my favorites can be found on Instagram too:

5. This week at work, we had a leadership training class on emotional intelligence. We took the quick test and read Emotional Intelligence 2.0. It is highly recommended for any level of personal and professional self-reflection.

6. In the same vein as emotional intelligence, Sarah shared with me the story of The Empty Boat by Chuang Tzu. It has been top of mind since and have been giving me a lot of perspective lately.

7. Rabbit holes from the above mentioned deserve their own number:

tonglen demonstration illustration art

8. It may sound lame to be sporting blue light blocking glasses, but I can’t say enough good things. I have recently had very tired eyes and minor headaches after work. This cheapo but perfecto pair looks good and gets the job done. My eyes have been less strained, and the headaches are gone.

9. Remember all the way back to Week 3? Coastline was a font made in a political statement about global warming ? This week, similarly, maps of Gerrymandered districts have been turned into a typeface.

Gerry font by Ben Doessel & James Lee

10. Lastly, here is this week’s playlist:

That’s it for this week! Until next time…