Rising Tide – 2019 Week 35

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

1. Why you should alpha and beta test your life

2. This quote. So simple. So true.

Just because you won doesn’t mean you did a good job (and vice versa).

Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog

3. The Cleveland Public Library (CPL) is celebrating its 150th anniversary! It has just announced the official launch the Cleveland Public Library Foundation. It got me exploring all of the cool offerings, events, etc!

Not using your local library? Talk to me… I want to help!

4. Scales measure our weight, bank accounts measure our wealth, IQ tests measure our intelligence… Jesse Itzler‘s TED talk tells us how to measure our happiness. Take the test, and let’s talk about our numbers!

5. Speaking of scales… I’m getting back into the fitness rhythm. You can find me a few different places. Connect with me, and let me know where I can find you!

6. There are a lot of Reasons to Be Cheerful. Thank you, David Byrne.

Don’t think you know David Byrne? Yeah, you do! He’s the lead singer and guitarist for Talking Heads.

And one of my very favorite albums lately is St. Vincent and David Byrne’s collab, Love This Giant.

7. Speaking of good music, here is this week’s playlist:

Sadly, that’s all I have this week! Until next time…