Rising Tide – 2019 Week 40

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy!

We are already 75% of the way through the year! There are only 12 weeks left of Rising Tide 2019!

1. Recommended reading for this week is Seth Godin‘s What to Do When It’s Your Turn (And It’s Always Your Turn). ★★★★★

Rabbit hole: The It’s Your Turn Blog

Image result for what to do when it's your turn seth godin quote

2. Why do I link to Goodreads instead of Amazon, you ask? Because I want you to buy books from your local bookstore (Local BS)!

3. This quote:

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.


4. Holstee is a brand I am very fond of. If you don’t them, check out the Manifesto first!

Anyway… they just released a Reflection app, calling it “a better way to journal.” I signed up to get early access, and I love it! It’s a perfect combination of analog and digital, and it is a great way for me to check in on myself and maintain presence and mindfulness.

5. Rising Star is my all time favorite coffee shop! And USA Today just named it in its recommendations of 10 of the country’s best! If you’re ever in Cleveland, give it a try! Or just let me know, and I’ll send you bag of bean!

6. And here’s is this week’s playlist:

That’s all I have for this week! Until next time…