Rising Tide – 2022 March

Hey, hey! Happy Spring! Welcome to this month’s issue of Rising Tide! If you have been here before, thanks for returning. If this is your first time, welcome! Rising Tide is a digest of things I deem worth sharing. Enjoy my recommended books, blog posts, podcasts, music, products, and more.

1. Cameron Maria Machado is a force…a profoundly talented, intriguingly mysterious, and boldly queer female author. I highly recommend her short story collection, Her Body and Other Parties, as well as her memoir, In the Dream House.

I had the opportunity to hear her speak in person this past month. I enjoyed her presence so much that I’ve been digging into any podcast episodes and YouTube interviews with her. The Story Corp interview with her and Lucy Dacus is a fun one!

2. Joy Harjo, currently serving her second term as Poet Laureate of the United States, came to speak at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and saw her in person as well. She provided some great commentary on her ancestral connections, writing inspirations, advice to young people, and more. Read, watch, or listen to anything by or about Joy, and you will gain a deeper appreciation for life and its connectedness. Start here and listen to her read her poem An American Sunrise.

3. A friend was gifted a subscription to The Sun Magazine, and he has been sharing some print editions with me. Quaintly curated short stories, poems, and pictures fill the pages. This poem, The Cardinal Reminds Me, has stuck with me for days.

4. In this small, sunny space is a short piece I wrote about a realization I had while enjoying a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning.

5. Dope art. Go look. Pseudo Dudo. Or don’t. It’s up to you.

(Header photo credit to pseudo dudo!)

6. What kind of creative are you? Find out by taking Adobe’s Creative Type quiz. My results indicate that I am The Innovator.

7. Thoraya Maronesy is an artist who creates videos around human connection. This video of strangers meeting is one of my favorites:

8. Did you know that there was a woman drafted to play in the NBA? The Queen of Basketball is a must see. And it just won the Academy Award for Short Subject Documentary.

9. Charles Daniels is been a photographer since the late 1960s and specialized in shooting famous rock musicians. He has over 3,000 rolls of undeveloped film

10. Speaking of music, as always, here’s a monthly playlist:

That’s all, folks!

Until next time…