I set out to write a good story. I had just finished reading A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. It’s a book about how to write a good story. “Story” and “Life” are used interchangeably throughout the book, both literally and metaphorically. So it also happens to be about how to […]
Just a thought…
Get Bored on Purpose

Put your phone away. Get bored on purpose.Eliminate distractions.Be a conscious observer.Take in the world as it is. Bring back the Huh.Resurrect the Why. Think thoughts.Sit alone with them.Then think thoughts about those thoughts.And repeat.Forever.Never stop. There are a lot of places to turn to for inspiration about how to enjoy solitude, what to do […]
If you think I talk about bikes too much…

A couple weeks ago, I rode my bike to work. It was a great ride, so I took a photo and posted it to Instagram. Yesterday, I rode my bike to work. It too was a great ride, so I took a photo and posted it to Instagram. This morning, I rode my bike to […]
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 42

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. Thank you, Lee Potts. With professional ties to the Great Lakes maritime industry as well as a personal connection as a nearly life-long resident living within 30 miles of one of […]
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 41

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. This quote: “Sit in a room and read—and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a […]
- Personal
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Alpha and Beta Test Your Life

Ready to make a change in your life?Test it! Alpha and beta testing are performed in the research and development of new products and services. A similar process can be used in making any changes to one’s self. You don’t need everything figured out and calculated before you make a change.That being said, you also […]
Drop the Deepfake

What is deepfake? Did you happen to see the viral video of Nancy Pelosi talking slowly and slurring her words? This is a deepfake. Deepfake is the modification of photos, videos and/or audio into realistic and believable adulterated copies. Here’s a better explanation. Other examples include fake celebrity porn or a recent artists’ statement using […]
Start with Happy

Do things that starts with “Happy.” Blissfest is an annual folk and roots music festival that takes place in northern Michigan. It’s a long weekend filled with live music, food and drink, arts, and more. Almost all “Blissters” will agree that it is the event they look forward to most every year. As soon as […]
All the world’s a stage

and all the men and women merely players. Some are the greatest players of our lifetime. Some are the greatest players the world has ever known. This time of year is unique in that all different types of elite sports converge and overlap their seasons in the early to late spring. To name the most […]
Why can’t it all be like shower curtains?

Once upon a time, the number of holes in a shower curtain and the number of hooks sold in a pack of rings was unified! (I’m glad I’m not the only one that wondered who determined how many holes are in a shower curtain.) Today, everyone assumes that a new shower curtain, liner, or set […]