Do things that starts with “Happy.” Blissfest is an annual folk and roots music festival that takes place in northern Michigan. It’s a long weekend filled with live music, food and drink, arts, and more. Almost all “Blissters” will agree that it is the event they look forward to most every year. As soon as […]
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A Year in Review – 2018

1 year. 12 months. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,00 seconds. full of travel, good music, a big move, family and friends, and more! Here are just some of the many highlights: My mom fought cancer! Took a trip to NYC for the Westminster Dog Show Up and moved from Indian River, Michigan to […]
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What do you do?

Them: “Hi, I’m So-And-So.” Me: “Hi, I’m Kirsten.” [Shakes hands] Them: “Nice to meet you.” Me: “Likewise!” Them: “What do you do?” Such a well intended yet loaded question! Most people just spout off a job title, employer’s name, and overuse the words “I” and “me” for a minute or two. Sure, maybe a job […]