During a camping trip to Mammoth Caves last summer, Sarah and I were snuggled up in our sleeping bags laying in our tent one night. The sounds of the cicadas buzzing inspired musing about how amazing nature is. A sucker for poetic devices, I eventually paired cicadas with singing. The phrase “Why do cicadas sing?” […]
Rising Tide – 2022 March

Hey, hey! Happy Spring! Welcome to this month’s issue of Rising Tide! If you have been here before, thanks for returning. If this is your first time, welcome! Rising Tide is a digest of things I deem worth sharing. Enjoy my recommended books, blog posts, podcasts, music, products, and more. 1. Cameron Maria Machado is […]
Rising Tide – 2021 November

Welcome to another edition of Rising Tide, a digest of things worth sharing! Enjoy this month’s list of books, blog posts, podcasts, music, and more! 1. NPR recently unveiled “Books We Love,” previously known as the NPR Book Concierge. Books We Love is an interactive reading guide with book recommendations galore! Books are categorized by […]
Rising Tide – 2021 October

Welcome to another edition of Rising Tide, a digest of things worth sharing! Enjoy this month’s list of books, blog posts, movies, music, and more! To watch 1. How many more books will you read in your lifetime? As an avid reader, this feels like a scary question. (Don’t blink, or you’ll miss the few […]
Rising Tide – 2021 August

Wait, what? Rising Tide, is it really you? Indeed, it is! Welcome back to Rising Tide, a (formerly, weekly) digest of things worth sharing! While it has not surfaced on this website since late 2019, this August has been a month too chuck full of rabbit holes to pass up an opportunity to share some […]
The next time you go to the library

Take the stairs.Visit each floor.Walk through every wing.Do not skip the Youth section.Browse Steinbeck.Admire the art.Run your fingers along the spines of books on a shelf.Ask for help.Smile at other library patrons.Request something from Special Collections.Wear the white gloves.Plan your next visit.
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 36

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. I love this juxtaposition of green Army men practicing yoga! 2. How about a prescription for a house plant instead of a drug? 3. The Great Courses + Kanopy = FREE […]
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 35

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. Why you should alpha and beta test your life 2. This quote. So simple. So true. Just because you won doesn’t mean you did a good job (and vice versa). Seth […]
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 33

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. People and their pets is always an interesting topic, even more so when the people are artists. This shows the connection between pet ownership and the depictions of animals in art. […]
Rising Tide – 2019 Week 31

Welcome back to Rising Tide, the weekly digest of things I’ve discovered or been into this past week and consider worth sharing. Enjoy! Watch 1. 49 Scenic Drive is by far one of the most interesting and lovable pieces of content I have stumbled upon in quite some time. If you remember, last week’s Rising […]